Webmaster Sites
Useful tools to improve your website's design and traffic.
bcentral - mega-site.. from microsoft; start it,
market it, and manage it.
Beseen - tools.. from looksmart; building,
maintaining, promoting, and more.
Builder.com - mega-site.. from CNET; guides,
discussions, hosting comparisions, etc.
iBoost - mega-site.. articles and tutorials; html,
search engines, scripts, marketing.
msdn online - mega-site.. from microsoft; essential
resources for developers.
MyComputer.com - tools..
tracking/promotional tools, for small and big busniness.
Technique - resource.. covering industry news,
design, and development.
uclick - content.. a catalog of content providers
for all types of sites.
WebDeveloper.com - resource.. from internet.com;
articles and info for new webmasters.
Webmaster World - forums.. webmaster chat board on
search engine discussions.
WebmastersLibrary.com - resource.. tips on
designing and maintaining a successful site.
Webmonkey - resource.. from lycos; complete guide
to web site developement.
Yahoo! Website Services - mega-site.. hosting
packages, page builders, domain reg, more.
Promotion & Advertising
Resources to improve traffic and marketing.
Be Free - network.. hosts a network of over 101 top
name affiliate programs.
BuildTraffic.com - mega-site.. search engine tools,
banner exchange program, and more.
Click Agents - banner ads.. pays $.10-.25 per
banner click-thru.
Click2Net - banner ads.. pays $.06-$.10 per banner
Commission Junction - network.. hosts a
network of over 1000 affiliate programs.
DoubleClick - banner ads.. leader in banner ad
solutions for webmasters/merchants.
fastclick - banner ads.. pays you 65% of the banner
Internet Fuel - plug-ins.. paying you for search
engine and exit traffic.
LinkShare - network.. hosts a network of
over 400 affiliate programs.
Performics - network.. hosts a network of over 80
affiliate programs.
Search Engine Watch - engines.. from internet.com;
search engine tips and listings.
Submit Corner - engines.. guides, tools, engine
listings, software, and more.
submitawebsite.com - engines.. search engine
submission and placement services.
ValueClick - banner ads.. pays $.10-.20 per banner
Counters & Stats
The most useful counter services to analyze traffic data.
Counter.com - counter.. from mycomputer.com; free
customizable counter.
FastCounter - counter.. from microsoft; very tiny
free web-based counter.
Right Stats - counter.. free basic counter or site
theCounter.com - counter.. from internet.com; free
web counter, complete stats.
WebTrends - stats.. complete stastical solutions
for all business levels.
. Design &
Tools to improve site design and programming.
1001designs.com - professional.. generate a web
site from over 1000 templates.
BigNoseBird.com - mega-site.. free scripts, html
guide, free graphics, and more.
Bigstep.com - turn-key.. choose the site options,
they'll build it for you.
Bravenet.com - plug-ins.. site tools; guestbooks,
polls, chat, faq's, mailing lists, and more.
CGI Resource Index - listings.. over 3700 cgi
resources in over 265 categories.
DevShed - tutortials.. the open source developement
DevX - tutorials.. for visual basic, java, c++,
open source, and more.
eLance - contractors.. businesses post a project,
freelancers bid on them.
Everyone.net - plug-ins.. offer email to your
visitors, a discussion board, and more.
FlashPlanet.com - flash.. tutorials, articles,
news, links, and more.
Free Graphics - graphics.. a directory to the best
graphic/fonts on the net.
High Fonts - fonts.. free high quality fonts for
HTML Writers Guild - html.. the largest community
of html coders.
Java Boutique - java.. large database of
downloadable java applets, and more.
JavaScript Source - javascript.. a javascript 'cut
and paste' library.
Matt's Script Archive - cgi-scripts.. tons of
original cgi-scripts, since 1995.
MediaBuilder - images.. free animated gifs, fonts,
and images.
NetMechanic - tools.. webmaster tools check html
tags and links.
O'Reilly Network - mega-site.. in-depth technical
info on emerging technologies.
ScriptSearch - coding.. over 5,000 downloadable
cgi's and scripts listed.
Security Saint - security.. website monitoring and
network analysis service.
Simple Builder - html.. simple guide to html
Vstore.com - turn-key.. open your own virtual store
and earn commissions.
W3C - org.. develops common protocols that promote
the evolution of the Internet.
WDVL - tutorials.. web developer's virtual library.
E. Web
Search for a hosting company that fits your needs.
AceHosts.com - listings.. lists by category,
budget, and more.
HostCompare.com - mega-site.. complete guide,
comparison, and research tool.
HostPulse - mega-site.. web host guide, news,
interactive tools and more.
HostReview.com - listings.. over 1600 web hosting
plans listed.
HostSearch - mega-site.. hosting listings,
articles, reviews, and more.
the list - listings.. large list of web hosts and
web designers.
TopHosts.com - listings.. prices based on smaller
hosting needs.
WebHost Industry Review - resource.. resource site
for high-end web hosting solutions.
WebHosters.com - mega-site.. powerful search tools,
top host listings, chat lounge