A. Popular
Portal Sites
Search services to browse the net or locate specific websites.
About.com - directory.. maintained by a trained
volunteer editors.
AltaVista - portal.. complete internet directory.
Aol - portal.. search the entire web.
Ask Jeeves - mega-search.. ask a specific question
and get specific results.
dmoz.org - directory.. maintained by
volunteer editors.
Dogpile - directory.. powered by infospace; search
the net.
Excite - portal.. personalize your search page with
news, shopping, and more.
FindWhat.com - keyword.. search the internet and
get 100's of results.
Go.com - portal.. disney's web presence; searches
powered by overture.
Go2Net - portal.. full service portal powered by
Google - keyword.. simple keyword searches
or browse the directory.
HotBot - directory.. part of lycos; search or
browse the directory.
Infospace - portal.. the reference portal; personal
organization tools, and more.
iWon - portal.. the search engine that gives away
10k each weekday.
LookSmart - keyword.. search by category and or
Lycos - portal.. personalized search page with
shopping, news, and more.
Mamma - mega-search.. the mother of all search
MetaCrawler - mega-search.. powered by infospace;
search the search engines.
MSN - portal.. microsoft's personalized search
NBCi - portal.. nbc's online presence, includes
former snap.com.
Netscape - portal.. internet search engine;
download netscape browser.
Northern Light - keyword.. organize results with
custom search folders.
Overture - keyword.. formerly goto.com; simple
keyword searches.
Search.com - mega-search.. part of CNET; searches
hundreds of directories at once.
Teoma - keyword.. sites relevant to search term and
expert links.
WebCrawler - keyword.. operated by excite; simple
directory and keyword searches.
Wisenut - mega-search.. a simple keyword search or
a wise search for more exact results.
Yahoo! - portal.. the grandaddy of search
engines, do you yahoo?
B. Best-of
Directories that categorize and list the best sites on the
Access Place - internet.. simple, easy to navigate
directory of high-quality sites.
Forbes Best - internet.. forbes magazine's
list of top web sites.
StartSpot - internet.. human editors categorize the
net thru a network of sites.
Top9.com - popularity.. categorized directory of
the most highly-trafficked websites.
ToSurfYou - internet.. guide to some of the net's
best; major categories represented.
WorldHot.com - popularity.. sites rated by traffic
and hits.