

Market News    
Keep up to date with Wall Street and world markets.

AMEX - official site.. complete coverage of the american stock exchange. - newswire.. international financial and commodities newswire.
CBS MarketWatch - network.. commentary on daily market happenings. - network.. partnered with msn; market information and news.
CNN/Money - network.. covers economy, markets and small businesses.
FoxNews Business - network.. market and business analysis. - ipo's.. recent ipo reports, vc news, and company bios.
Nasdaq - official site.. complete market reporting and wrap-ups.
NYSE - official site.. complete daily market coverage and historical data. - commentary.. market discussion and analysis. - commentary.. original editorials, 'bullboards' interact center, company info. - commentary.. analysis and updates of domestic and global markets.

B. Business Publications
Articles, columns, and analysis from the world of business. - journals.. news, information, resources, and more.
Business Week - ezine.. daily briefing, finance, technology, video news, and more.
Business Wire - press releases.. industry specific news and announcements. - financial.. tools and solutions for senior financial officers. - international.. british publication; articles on global business happenings. - ezine.. showcases the companies that are changing business. - ezine.. daily business news, articles, and analysis. - ezine.. fortune 500, top employers and business life. - newspaper.. full range of busines topics, analysis, and market data.
Harvard Business Review - ezine.. fee required; articles and tools for professional growth.
Internet Wire - press releases.. industry specific news and announcements.
Wall Street Journal - newspaper.. fee required; daily business publication. - ezine.. articles and links in 3 categories; wealth, living, and giving.

C. World Markets
News and official sites for foreign financial markets.

AsiaOne Markets - portal.. focus on singapore; market data and analysis.
ChinaWeb - mega-site.. latest news, information, and insights on the greater china market.
CNNMoneyWorld Markets - data.. list of world exchanges; shows levels and changes.
Deutsche Borse - official site.. german exchange data, listings, and trading info.
Hong Kong Exchange - official site.. market information, quotes, trading, history and more.
IDS Finance - data.. complete coverage of asian market information.
Latinvestor - reports.. fee req'd; research latin american companies, economies, industries.
London Stock Exchange - official site.. quotes, information, portfolio, and more.
Neuer Markt - portal.. unbiased information on europe's economy.
Nikkei Net - official site.. coverage of japan's nikkei; news, company index.
Phillipine Exchange - official site.. index and sectoral data; weekly market summaries.
Swiss Exchange - official site.. charts, quotes, upcoming ipos, company info, and more.
Tokyo Stock Exchange - official site.. market data, company information, bonds, and more.
Toronto Stock Exchange - official site.. quotes, data, and information.