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   Skins, Themes, Wallpapers

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  • Cartoon Network: Dowloads - featuring icons, wallpapers, and other themes for cartoons including Powerpuff girls, Jetsons, Dexter, and more.
  • ClockDomain.com - offers a selection of free atomic, personalized 3D animated desktop clocks, 3D screensavers, and more.
  • Creative Skins - community devoted to discussing skin development, and showcasing creations.
  • Free Desktop Themes
  • http://www.anyskins.com/ - ... Please check this site to give your idle screen a new look. WinAmp Skins By using WinAmp Skins you can give your WinAmp a brand new look. ...
  • Insane Skins - ICQ and Winamp skins in categories such as TV, anime, 3D, cars, music, movies, and more.
  • IRC Themes
  • Pixtudio - offers skins and theme packs for several progrgams including windowblinds, stardock, hoverdesk, treetog, and more.
  • ScreenSaver.com - freeware and shareware screen savers and themes.
  • Skin King - skins for ICQ Plus, Winamp, Mypad, and Sysmeter, as well as wallpapers.
  • Skins by Dezina - designs for a variety of instant messengers and audio players.
  • Skinz.org - offers skins and desktops themes. Also offers a variety of games.
  • Softshape - makes ActiveSkin, software for creation of programs with skin support. Also offers Chameleon Clock which uses Winamp skins with MP3 alarms and atomic time synchronization.
  • the Hive - skins, themes, and other information for alter the Windows environment.
  • Theme Arena - includes custom desktops, and advice on making themes.
  • Themes.org - news, tools, and downloads for Windows and Linux systems.
  • ThemeSeek.com - offers a wide variety of desktop themes, screen savers, and wallpapers.
  • WinCustomize - offers downloads and links to customization sites.
  • WindowBlinds - a software product that allows you to create your own graphical user interface for your Windows desktop.
  • ThemeDoctor.com - offers reviews, rankings, utilities, and downloads.
  • ThemeWorld.com - extensive catalog of desktop themes. Features include: upload area, wanted listings, and help for creating & installing themes.
  • Web Directory: Themes Unlimited - Windows desktop themes with ratings and previews.
  • Cinema Desktop Themes - themes related to movies, TV shows, and celebrities.