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   3D Graphics


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  • Internet Pictures Corporation  provides interactive photography and related technology for the Internet.
  • Pulse - developers of Veepers, a platform for experiencing and creating streaming, interactive 3D media and characters on the web.
  • Viewpoint DataLabs - offers 3D modeling and 3D data distribution.
  • Cycore - specializes in the development of 3D technologies for the Internet, as well as special effects software and animation solutions.
  • DigitalSpace - enables real-time voice communication between multiple people in 3D virtual worlds.
  • Caligari Corporation - Creators of trueSpace - 3D graphics animation software, and VRML tools.
  • Raindrop Geomagic, Inc. - creates manufacturable 3D models from point cloud and polygonal data.
  • solidThinking - multi-platform software solution for the creation of manufacturable 3D models.
  • 3D Cafe - models, plugins, textures and tutorials for sale.
  • Zygote Media Group - 3D computer modeling company.
  • Visi Image - manufactures the 3Dguru laser scanner for collecting accurate dimensional data designed to suit the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries.
  • X3D Technologies 3D glasses, software, and media for entertainment, education, and video games.
  • 360 Vision - uses digital iPIX images, panoramic photography, and 3D animation to create immersive pictures and virtual tours on web sites.
  • 3D Cafe - models, plugins, textures and tutorials for sale.
  • 3DGRUP - software targeted to the educational and entertainment environments. Our speciality is three dimensional visualization and real time simulation.
  • 3DTV Corp. - hardware and software for stereoscopic video and computer graphics.
  • ExpressionTools - offers Shade, an integrated 3D modeling, rendering, and animation software. Product info, gallery, online shop, and downloadable demo version are available.
  • Flash Fire Designs - provides 3D computer models, 3D scenes, custom model design, VRML and web graphic design.
  • Global Information Group - modeling and animation software featuring solid modeling, boolean operations, and ray tracing.
  • Graphics Library d'Object Oriented (GLOO 3D) - commercial strength object oriented (C++) software for building applications that involve 3D geometry and advanced rendering.
  • Imagecom Inc. - develops and markets FlexiSolids and FlexiDesign, and other CAD and visualization software for OEMs.
  • Imagedrome - offering interactive media design service and graphics applications development.
  • ImageFX - computer animation and graphics for broadcast television, multimedia and the internet.
  • ImageWare Development - offers 3D modeling, animation, and screen saver software for OpenGL accelerated systems.
  • iMove, Inc. - provides tools for creating spherical video. Also provides tools for creating panoramas, panoramic video, and panoramic objects.
  • Indotek Software Productions - providing software tools and support services for Direct3D game developers and 3D artists.